Will the project "EA Explorable Explanations" receive receive any funding from the Clearer Thinking Regranting program run by ClearerThinking.org?
Below, you can find some selected quotes from the public copy of the application. The text beneath each heading was written by the applicant. Alternatively, you can click here to see the entire public portion of their application.
In brief, why does the applicant think we should we fund this project?
The Effective Altruism space is missing well-produced, interactive explanations of its concepts, its models, its thinking, and of practical consequences of that thinking. When presented in an interactive medium, people spend more time on learning content, and exert significantly greater mental effort, compared to a non-interactive medium ["Digital Game-Based Textbook vs. Traditional Print-Based Textbook", Thomas 2017].
I expect that creating and distributing these “Explorable Explanations” will help spread the EA question of how to do the most good among groups that are new to these ideas. It should also help build a better intuition for some of the presented ideas in people who are already familiar with them. Both effects should lead to better decisions, benefiting present and future people.
Activities that the project involves
Researching the best data sources and estimations for model parameters available.
Coding reactive diagrams, models, and games the user can interact and play with.
Writing explanations that are easy to understand for the general population.
Designing supporting visual art and illustrations to go along with the explanation.
Past projects which demonstrate the applicant's ability to execute on this project
Oh My Git!, a game that teaches how to use the version control system Git (created together with bleeptrack)
Writespace, a puzzle game where you are a typewriter, which made second place overall in a very popular game jam (out of ~1500 games)
Wurst Day Ever, a puzzle game about strategy and careful reasoning
Timelens, a new interface that makes video navigation faster and more precise
Sliderland, teaches you how to make animations with math
Portfolio of other of my projects: https://blinry.org
Portfolio of bleeptrack’s projects: https://bleeptrack.de
Here you can review the entire public portion of the application (which contains a lot more information about the applicant and their project):